Thursday, September 05, 2019

Stanley Marcus to take senior status

Big news out of the 11th Circuit today.  Judge Stanley Marcus announced that he will be taking senior status meaning that Donald Trump will get to appoint another judge to that court.  Although Marcus was appointed by President Clinton, he is known for siding with the conservative wing of the court, especially on criminal justice issues so it’s not altogether clear that a Trump appointee will move the already very conservative court more to the right.  With Marcus’ announcement, that means that Trump has two seats to fill on the 11th (Tjoflat also recently announced his retirement).  Both seats will be filled from Florida.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Elections have consequences. CJ Carnes will likely ride out his term as CJ which ends next summer. If he goes senior that's another young federalist society member on the 11th. Then there is the likelihood of Trump/McConnell teaming up for another four. Winter is here.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    As to Carnes, even Moscow Mitch couldn't fill a seat in August of an election year.

    What's the early betting line.

    Altman (5-1)(Marcus clerk; wouldn't be surprised if he took senior with a deal in place)

    Luck (15-1)(ECC)

    Ruiz (20-1)(based on his investiture pitch to the White House and FAM)

    Altonaga (25-1) (merit)

    DOM (taken off the board)

    Also wasn't Marcus appointed to the 11th by William Jefferson Clinton? Doesn't etiquette require that he take senior when party who appointed him is in power?

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    > As to Carnes, even Moscow Mitch couldn't fill a seat in August of an election year.

    Carter nominated Stephen Breyer to the First Circuit on Nov. 13, 1980 after he had lost the election to Reagan. Senate confirmed him on Dec. 9, 1980.

    Also let's not forget that Carnes himself was confirmed on Sep. 9, 1992.

  4. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I like when someone says the term moscow mitch--that way i know im dealing with an idiot up front

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I would bet my mortgage on Roy Altman getting one of the two seats at those odds. Judge Marcus has been eligible for senior status for years. Surely the timing of this reflects an agreement to nominate Roy (who clerked for Marcus) to the 11th.

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Moscow Mitch.

  7. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What about Moreno? He's on Trump's FedSoc list for Supreme Court. Or is there only one Miami Cuban-American seat on the 11th?

  8. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Moreno isn't Cuban-American. I think he is from Venezuela. And, he was played by Jon Favreau in Rudy (the chubby guy that helps Rudy study and eventually gets into Miami Law - yes, that's him).

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I don't think Trump is interested in appointing anyone over 40

  10. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Didn't realize Moreno was Venezuelan, thank you. Did know about tutoring Rudy, though.
    Interesting to see if one appointee comes from S. Fla. and one from N. Fla. since that's where the retirees are from. Tampa/M.D. Fla. already has Chuck Wilson on the 11th.
