Wednesday, June 12, 2019

BREAKING -- Rodney Smith confirmed

CONGRATS to our newest judge -- Rodney Smith.  He was confirmed 78-18 to fill Robin Rosenbaum's slot. 


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    He has big shoes to fill, Judge R was very special, I hope he is as well and wish him the best.

  2. All18 voting against were Democrats.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Judge Rosenbaum became a circuit judge five years ago.
    Just sayin'

  4. the trialmaster2:46 PM

    Judge Rosenbaum was a very fine district judge. I have tried cases and argued countless motions before Judge Rodney Smith and he is a great trial judge with a good sense of humor. Let's hope he does not lose that when he joins the Feds. He has a great story and I wish him well although I hate losing a good plaintiff's judge. We have so few good judges at 73 West Flagler and we lose one of the few good ones.

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Anyone who calls himself (has to be a man) "trialmaster" cannot be taken seriously. "Captain Justice" either.

  6. That's what they said about me. Then I authored an award winning blog.
    I like Judge Smith. He will be fine.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Or "Anonymous"

    (yeah, I know)

  8. Anonymous commentators are cowards. Put your name on what you write. That's what I always say.

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Rumpole's is stepping on your toes with a post on Judge Altman not allowing self surrender after sentencing.

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The trialmaster could very well be a female. Or even gender fluid. You never know.

  11. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Over under for # years roy stays before his next move?
