Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone arrested in Broward (UPDATED)

He will make his first appearance today at 11am in magistrate court in Ft. Lauderdale. Here’s the indictment which charges obstruction and false statements.

And here is the CNN story for more info.

Questions —  why not let him surrender? Was it a good use of resources to send all of those armed FBI agents to his house in the morning?  Why arrest him on a Friday?  Will the government be asking to hold him no bond over the weekend as they are entitled to do until the bond hearing next week?

UPDATE — The Special Counsel agreed to release Stone on a personal surety bond.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Who is duty mag? Any prediction on his guidelines? 0-6 mo?

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Questions — why not let him surrender?

    - Flee risk. Indictment was issued on Thursday and kept under seal for that reason.

    Was it a good use of resources to send all of those armed FBI agents to his house in the morning?

    - The threats in the indictment might be a clue.

    Why arrest him on a Friday?

    - Because it's a day that the courts are open? Why not?

    Will the government be asking to hold him no bond over the weekend as they are entitled to do until the bond hearing next week?

    - Probably. He's a flee risk.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM


    He likely has low guidelines and has known it was likely he'd be indicted for a long time, and didnt run. He's an old man. Threats? Please. The idea he'd run now is preposterous. Lets see if some idiot ausa would even argue that to their total embarrassment. Remember manafort got a bond and stone is a lot cleaner and looking at a lot less time.

    The only question i have is why has andy mccabe not been indicted if DOJ thinks everybody who lies needs to go to prison. Guess it doesnt apply to one of their own.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The guy is a scoundrel. He has little, if any, respect for the rule of law. And he thinks that the democratic process is a joke. True story, this fool has a tattoo of Richard Nixon's face on his back.

    I have no idea whether he broke the law. If he didn't break the law, I hope he is promptly acquitted. But I have very little sympathy for him in this circumstance.

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    No need for an armed entry for a 70-year-old man who is not a danger to the community nor risk a flight This very dangerous threat to society was just released on a 250K PSB. Sirius waste of resources and why was CNN tipped off to this?

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    It's only a crime to lie to Congress or even in Court if you don't work for the DoJ.

    The Friday morning raid had one purpose: CNN

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    CNN tipped off? Nope. As y'all would say, "Fake News!"

    Old man? Can old men still pull triggers? Hmmm.

    Gotta marvel at all the people who shouted for Hillary to be locked up having a problem with law and order being administered against the real bad guys in these here United States.

    If the biggest problem you have with a guy like Stone being arrested is the way it was done, well, I think the government is on the right track here.

  8. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Cnn denying they were tipped off doesnt prove they werent. Cnn already got caught lying about their source of info in the lanny davis trump tower story. We will never know why cnn was there. Might have been a leak, might not. Funny thing is, stone cannot even force the feds to go on record that they were not the source of the leak. And then the feds will ask for a gag order. Total b.s. manafort did a good job of trying to point out the leaks, and the atty for concord may have actually pretty good evidence of fed leaks. But bottom line, no judge has the balls to force feds to say one way or another. Totally prejudicial nonsense.

  9. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Guidelines is under 2J1.2. Base is 14. My total speculation is +2 because his effort to get credico to lie was "extensive in scope, planning, or preparation" (emphasis on scope). SCO could argue +8 for "threatening to cause physical injury to a person" because stone told credico "I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die (expletive)", but i think thats too vague coming from a 70 year old who also is talking bad things about credicos cat (lol sort of). He should hope the counts are all grouped, and i think that may be proper, but SCO will argue otherwise. Bottom line my bet is 16 total, which is 21-27 months if loses at trial, or 13 with acceptance and a plea which would be 12-18 months. Big benefit of plea is you could try to agree no +8. If he goes to trial i predict 30 months, plea 20 months, plea plus cooperation for corsi maybe minus 20%. Caveat if he goes to trial and testifies like the loon that he is, the guidelines will be read super expansive and he could approach 5 years. Funny thing the substance of what he did with wiki likely isn't even illegal, for that reason i think the use of the term "directed", as in "directed by trump official" to reach out to wiki, is super poor word choice which sounds illegal and meant to dirty up trump. Yet bannon undoubtedly admitted to SCO he told stone to reach out to wiki, and is free of cuffs and will so remain. For theatrics i wish stone hired the lawyer handling concord, who is not holding his tongue.

  10. Anonymous10:06 PM

    It's not about the balls to hold the Feds to it. They don't have the teeth to punish anything.

    The Feds get to 'police' themselves. And decide if they did anything wrong.

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "Cnn denying they were tipped off doesnt prove they werent."

    Exactly. Because it's easier to believe, with the same amount of proof, that they were given a heads up.

    Look, you're going to believe who you're going to believe no matter what the proof, no matter what the facts. That's the way it's been for the last 2 years and the way it will continue.

    The guy who convinced a bunch of Americans to give him $25 million under the pretense of attending his "university" and learning tricks to become wealthy has convinced 50% of America not trust anything the media says or does. They'll never see how they've been taken because the guy has been doing it his whole life and is great at it.

    So believe CNN got tipped off. And that Mexico is going to build the wall. And that prescription drug prices are drastically going down. And that better and cheaper healthcare is on it's way. Believe it, because it makes you feel better about your choice.
