Friday, December 15, 2017

Your Friday moment of Zen

Your Friday moment of Zen:

If you haven’t watched Trump’s judicial nominee Matthew Petersen testify yesterday, then you need to watch this.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Nothing like a trial court judge who has never tried a case, never taken a deposition by himself, never argued a motion and has no clue about evidence or procedure. What could go wrong? smh.

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Beg to disagree. Not like being a district judge is not like doing rocket surgery.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Embarrassing that anyone would think this man qualifies for a lifetime federal judicial position.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I believe Judge Seitz was just as (in)experienced in federal court, but she had enough respect for the position to prepare for her hearing

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Democrat here - I am not sure it is fair to say the guy is not qualified - I really would need to know if he is intelligent and fair. A law student could have answered most of the questions (but not those on experience) and cited chapter and verse applicable law, etc., but I think we would all agree a law student is not qualified. Think about the flip side - how many lawyers do you know who have tried hundreds of cases, and who are completely fucking horrible and who could never do the job.

    Granted, it would be an exceptional candidate who has no experience in litigation and who can do the job well, but I just don't see it as disqualifying.

    The real problem is that Trump is such a fucking bad person and moron, surrounded by bad people (some who are quite smart) and dumber morons, who are all trying to pack the judiciary, you have to view anybody they put up with a high degree of skepticism.

  6. Anonymous6:20 PM

    This guy is not a virgin in a whorehouse. He has been around the legal block. And you can learn quickly. Amazing that we complain about this but have no problem with law school grads with absolutely zero legal experience ghost writing supreme court opinions. Just saying!

  7. This ridiculous...he should never have been nominated to the DC District court... with his lack of trial experience he should have been sent to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals...DUH!

    Make the Judiciary incompetent again!!

  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    This is why we need professional judges, not lawyer-judges. Go to judge school to be a judge. Go to law school to be a lawyer. Two different professions.

  9. Anonymous10:34 AM

    You think are candidates are any better?

  10. Anonymous12:05 PM

    David, can you put up the federal trial stats of all the dj candidates?

  11. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Petersen looks bad at the hearing because he lacks style.

    Federal judges have magistrates to run trials, rule on motions, write R&Rs, do everything but enter final judgment. Federal judges have law clerks to do legal research and writing. Federal judges have the U.S. Marshals Service to assist with trials, and anything else needing muscle, a badge and a gun. Heck, a nonlawyer to do the job.

    Yea, Matthew Petersen could handle the job, unfortunately.
