Tuesday, October 25, 2016

1 Billion Dollars...

Oh, this is such a South Florida story -- about a billion dollar bond.  Paula McMahon has the details:
When a South Florida man's friend sent him photos of a $1 billion bond earlier this year, investigators said, Michael Ifrah quickly pronounced it was genuine.
Ifrah wrote back to his pal that "the bond was real and it was more real than any other bond in the world," federal prosecutors said.
But that assurance was about as credible as the counterfeit bond, prosecutors told a judge Monday in federal court in Fort Lauderdale.
"This case is about two defendants trying to cash an unbelievable amount of money — a $1 billion bond. Few people have actually seen a billion-dollar bond, and that is because these bonds do not legally exist," prosecutor Daniel Cervantes wrote in court records.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Wouldn't it be more accurate to say no one has ever seen a $1 Billion bond if they do not exist?

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    That poses an interesting question - and a possibly meritorious defense - IS THIS ENTRAPMENT?! We know the billion-dollar bonds exist because Cervantes knows of a few who've seen em! Even though they don't exist! CLASSIC ENTRAPMENT.

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I am hereby making a Brady request of the AUSA for the names of the few who have seen the billion dollar bond. You can send info to me c/o DOM.
