Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Judge Mark Fuller Strikes Back...

...and claims that his drunk wife was faking it on the 911 call.  The "Brad Blog" has all of the details:

The Birmingham attorney for U.S. District Court Judge Mark Fuller says that, despite 911 audio which seems to suggest otherwise, his client "never hit, punched, slapped or kicked" his wife Kelli in an Atlanta hotel room last year. The federal judge was simply defending himself from the "hysterical" rage of his wife who, the attorney now tells The BRAD BLOG, blatantly lied to police about the entire incident before his client was subsequently arrested on charges of domestic battery.
Moreover, Barry Ragsdale tells us, Kelli Fuller was "drunk" when she called 911. He says "slap" sounds heard clearly on the audio tape as she told the 911 dispatcher she was being beaten and needed an ambulance were either an attempt by Judge Fuller's wife to "imitate the sounds of slapping" or just "random background noises produced by someone who was intoxicated and hysterical."


  1. Sounds like the Judge is going to lose his acceptance of responsibility adjustment with a story like this.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The defense is embarrassing. But the overlords will let him skate.

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Obstruction of justice . What a red neck piece of trash . Totally not credible. Gross.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Such a class act. Makes you really feel good about the judiciary, right?
