Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"If the well-known, vinyl-era rock bands Bad Company and Blind Faith had merged to form a super group, then the hypothetical new band might have been called Bad Faith."

That was Judge Goodman in an order dealing with a bad faith claim in a civil lawsuit. The DBR covers the case here, http://m.dailybusinessreview.com/module/alm/app/dbr.do#!/article/1731936770

He also notes that the alternative Blind Company, "could be a colorful, hyperbolic yet somewhat accurate description" of the plaintiff's claims.  

He's having too much fun!


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I don't get it. What's vinyl? Like on the house?

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Um, the civil blog covered it and the DBR picked it up off that blog.

    Please get your H/Ts correct.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    My older brother used to listen to Bad Company but I never heard of Blind Faith.
