Monday, April 19, 2010

I demand a retraction!

Today's DBR (John Pacenti) covers the Jonathan Goodman imminent appointment as magistrate judge (filling Judge Garber's seat). We previously broke the story here. From the article: "U.S. District Chief Judge Federico Moreno wouldn't confirm blog reports last week that judges in the district have picked the Miami lawyer."

The article goes on to discuss how Kathy Williams and Willy Ferrer are still waiting for their appointments (Kathy to the bench and Willy to U.S. Attorney). Ferrer, at least, has been nominated (and will likely be confirmed this week or next). Kathy's file is apparently on the President's desk. I'm not sure what Obama is waiting for. It's really outrageous.

Pacenti says that Michael Caruso is "the odd-on favorite" to take over the Federal Defender's job when Kathy finally gets nominated: "David O. Markus, a former federal prosecutor, said Caruso is the natural choice. ... Markus, who runs the Southern District of Florida blog, ..."

Well, at least the blog got mentioned...


  1. You've been outed as a secret fed. Shame on you.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    As an admirer of the US Atty's Office for the SD Fla., I must say I am deeply offended by your reaction to being given an honorary title as impotent as the one the DBR bestowed upon you.

    By thy way, I am proud to announce another victory today for the SD Fla. AUSAs:

    Yes, like the Sun coming up in the morning, the office won another trial. This time, the scoundrel was a poor immigrant who speaks zero English, who was offered an opportunity to enter into a business investment in real estate.

    This seeker of the American dream actually believed that he could make 10,000.00 by investing in a home, fixing it up, and selling it for a profit at some later date. Of course, he could not read the "contract" that was presented to him when he received the check, but luckily we had a cooperating witness (who has since received a 50% reduction from his original sentence of 12 years) to unequivocally tell the jury that he explained the whole fraud to the criminal. You should have seen the defense screaming that our cooperator could not even speak Spanish! Ha, can you imagine a jury truly believing that this immigrant faker lives in the United States and does not speak Spanish!

    Anyhow, sentencing is set in two months and the office will be seeking an obstruction enhancement because the defendant insisted on proceeding through trial with an interpreter to mislead the jury.

    Victory Baby!

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Congrats on your big win, David!

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Has Justice Alito ever ruled against the government?
