Monday, April 12, 2010

Comment policy

So, should we keep the comment policy the same? Right now, you can post anonymously, but I moderate the comments to keep the hateful stuff from going up. Here's a NY Times piece about some new ways of moderating comments...

In other news, apparently people are upset with the law school clinics out there. Seems silly to me, but Rick Bascuas beware...

I'm searching for something locally to write about, but these tips aren't helping much.

So, back to Justice Stevens stuff then. How about Hilary Clinton for Supreme Court Justice?


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Bill Clinton would be a fine choice for Justice

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Open up the f'ing blog.

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Check out's comment system. I don't know if you can set the same thing up on Blogger, but that system allows the other readers to moderate the comments and commentaters for you. It seems to be effective, but how much so depends on the readers' interaction.

  4. I think that you impinge on free speech and become a dictator and a self imposed conscience of the community when you moderate comments. I find moderation distasteful. What if someone moderated the federalist papers? Where would we be?

    In fact, I say also get rid of the stupid word verification. Spammers have rights too you know.
