Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is in the house

Tonight from 5:30-7:30 at the Federal Courthouse, the Federal Bar Association will be honoring her. Stop by and say hello.
Pretending he was being dogged by the FBI and needed help, Rothstein allegedly talked Settineri into tearing up two boxes of documents and laundering $79,000 from Rothstein's massive investment racket, according to sources familiar with the case.
"He knew Settineri,'' a source said. ``He was able to chat up Settineri.''
For helping bring down Settineri, Rothstein could end up in the federal Witness Protection Program -- with a new identity, but inside a prison with special protection. Rothstein, 47, faces up to 100 years at his sentencing May 6.
Jeff Weiner (not Jeff Sloman) represents Settineri. Weiner must be salivating at the chance to cross Rothstein...


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    O'Connor needs to take her "we don't want elected judges" rap back up to D.C.

    We DO want elected judges so we are not stuck with imperious, disrespectful, ill mannered and overly sensitive people on the bench for life.

    You need look no farther than the whole Rothstein debacle to see how easily money can influence the nomination committee and appointment process.

  2. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Great quote from one of the Defendant's wives:

    Dromerhauser's wife Marina Guimaraes denied that her husband was linked to Rothstein.

    ``We are definitely not connected,'' she told The Miami Herald. ``There is no connection to Rothstein and very little connection to the mob.''

  3. That's why you don't want family members speaking to the press.

    Great story about Jeff Weiner.- Prosecutor during a motion 25 years ago kept calling him "Jeff Winer"- finally Weiner asks the judge to make him stop- and the ASA quips- "I'm confused- he sounds like a Winer and looks like a Weiner."


    The "Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Civics Education Act" bills (SB 1096, HB 105).....

    There is another reason why Justice O'Connor is making the rounds. And it's an important reason.

    Our children haven't a clue when they are asked to name the three branches of government; they would not recognize the Constitution if it hit them smack in the face; and they certainly could not discuss the issues between elected and appointed jurists.

    The Florida Legislature, with the support of former Governor/Senator Bob Graham and former US Rep Lou Frey are pushing the above bill thru both chambers in Tallahassee this session.

    It is a high-profile and bipartisan effort that mirrors national civic-education drives but is also controversial and very similar to efforts that failed previously.

    The "Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Civics Education Act" bills (SB 1096, HB 105) would make civics a required seventh-grade course and civics the subject of a new high-stakes, middle-school test. The Senate bill also would make "civics-related content" a required part of language-arts materials for all grade levels.

    Eventually, students would have to pass the new statewide civics test to be promoted out of middle school, and schools' annual A-to-F grades would be based in part on those civic test scores.

    The Florida Joint Center for Citizenship issued its second "civic health index" last fall, reporting that "Florida has a weak civic culture … one of the worst in the nation." Floridians are ranked low when it comes to voting, volunteering and taking part in community meetings, the report found.

    Cap Out ....
