Wednesday, October 28, 2009


You know it's a little slow when SFLawyers reaches back into the Iqbal well and Rumpole is wishing happy birthday to Teddy Roosevelt. If that's not your thing, you can check up on legal research and writing at UM. Not doing it for you? How about Adam Lambert's new album cover. At least Glee is on tonight:

UPDATE -- no Glee tonight. It's the World Series instead. I dislike both teams, but I'm sure I'll tune in to see the pitching matchup. Too bad I don't have DirecTV as Friday Night Lights starts up tonight, only on satellite...


  1. No Glee tonite - World Series.

  2. Fake Fred Moreno11:01 AM

    Missteeer Markus- I have plenty of pro bono work sitting on my desk if you need something to do.

  3. Thanks -- I have an Iqbal autopost set to run every two days in the event I am badly injured or in trial (or both).
