Friday, December 05, 2008

"Suspect in Dunkin' Donuts robberies barks at judge"

Why we need cameras in federal court: The headline and article about this case just don't capture what happened as well the video does (at this link).


  1. Once again we learn that sex sells. That's why the Celeste Higgins post has ten comments, and this one has none. David, have you considered getting our female federal judges to pose in a Bikini for your blog?

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Our female district judges were mostly quite hot in college. But as for these really bad robbers - LIFE NO PAROLE. More reason for more guns equals less crime.

  3. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I had sex with one of the she judges many years ago. Wow!

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    What were they charged with to wind up in Fed. Ct.?

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I didn't expect David to be slumming it and just assumed. ;-)

  6. Anonymous10:04 PM

    How many times a year does the Eleventh Circuit panel of appellate judges travel to Miami for oral argument? When is the next time, they'll be in Miami?

  7. I love the stoic reaction of his attorney throughout.

    Is there a competency issue?
