Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Julie Kay on the new federal courthouse

This story isn't ending...

Check this out.

Here's an update on the lawsuit re Ted Klein, which is now being handled by Alan Goldfarb, not Ervin Gonzalez:

The judges' move to the new building could free up space for occupants of the Dyer Building. Several magistrate clerks, courtroom deputies and interpreters who work in the building have complained of such respiratory problems as double pneumonia, nosebleeds and severe allergies. Water intrusion is apparent in some areas, with peeling wallpaper, stained carpets and musty smells.

Two studies performed at the building since Klein's death concluded there are significant mold and air safety issues in the building, particularly in the basement.

Goldfarb said he is frustrated because the government has promised to provide FOIA information by certain dates and has not met these deadlines. Goldfarb is trying to find out when the government knew there were problems in the building and what action, if any, they took.

The GSA, which received the FOIA requests on Oct. 29, was not available for comment at press time.

Chief Judge Federico Moreno said there is "no problem in the Dyer Building. It's all been remedied. There's only a problem in one part of the basement.".


  1. Thank goodness those "the new courthouse is great" classes at the Fred Moreno Re-education Center didn't work.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    DM: Respectfully --

    CJ: !!! Meeester Markuuus. "Respectfully" is a just another way of saying 'Judge you don't know what you are talking about.'

    Dooo yu theenk I do not know what I am talking about Meester Markuus?

  3. Leave David alone.

    David knows better then that.

    And, what is wrong with him posting news about the location many attorneys visit on a weekly basis?

    I am sure The Baily had its problems - eh Rumpole?

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    If the Dyer Building is as safe as CJ Moreno says, he should do more than talk. I say he should move his chambers back into the Dyer Building. Talk is cheap. If he really believes what he says, prove it. Otherwise, he should stop trying to pawn off this sickly and deadly space as a safe working environment for the peons of the federal system.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM


  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Judge Dube and his staff were in that chambers and courtroom for years and never had any health issues. And how come no one has mentioned the mold that was found in Ted Klein's home as a possible cause and maybe not the Dyer Courthouse?

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Or, maybe mold takes time to build up -- similar to the leaks that cause them!

  8. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Again, what about the mold found in his home? That certainly had leaks in it for a period of time.

  9. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Unless the mold spores came from the Judge's lungs.
