Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Slow blogging

Sorry about the slow blogging, but I still don't have power at home and I typically like to post before I go to work and late at night when everyone else is asleep...

In any event, most of the news is Wilma related and I'm sure everyone is Wilmad out. But if you're not, there is great coverage of how Wilma affected the courts and law firms in the Daily Business Review. All the articles require pass-through links, so it doesn't do any good to post them here. But if you can grab a copy of the Review, it's worth it. I was quoted in one funny article this morning about how half of Miami went to Orlando to ride out the storm. I offered my office (which has power, internet, etc) to any lawyer who needs it, "including prosecutors." To date, no prosecutor has taken me up on the offer...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Count me as one of the ones that fled to Orlando. Found a place with free hi speed internet and I was back in business. Thankfully I got power back at home and at office (thought I'd rub it in :-)
