Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Zoom Hearing Gone Wrong?

By John R. Byrne

Another reason to have cameras in the courtroom? Videos like this one. Man with suspended license--who is also facing charges for driving with a suspended license--attends a hearing by Zoom....while driving.... 

Maybe not quite to the level as the cat-lawyer video from a while back but close. 


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM


  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Puhlease! Happens every day

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The judge should have ordered him to drive directly to the local jail and turn himself in.

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The video starts with the man saying he was driving to the doctor's office - might be worth considering whether it makes sense to incarcerate someone who needed to get to the doctor, or whether there should have been a little more inquiry about what was going on here before jailing someone for driving to the doctor. Especially considering the state wasn't asking for a bond revocation.
    Also, worth considering there are many things that could have led to his license revocation that could be health and poverty related.

    I don't think this video should be anyone's entertainment, unlike the cat lawyer video, where the object of derision was a lawyer who wasn't good at technology, which is always funny.

  5. Perhaps the gentleman is poor and can't afford to pay his fines at the moment. Perhaps he has paid his past due fines and gotten his license reinstated by the DMV already. Anybody consider this possiblility?

    Where's the presumption of innocence here?

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    10:44 and 12:14 always be defendin'. Kudos!
