Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Florida politics = dysfunctional

 The White House announced 5 new U.S. Attorney nominations yesterday.  

 But still, we do not have one here.  And from what everyone says, there is agreement between Rubio, Scott, and Biden that Markenzy Lapointe should get the nod.  But the red Senators refuse to move on anything in Florida right now, even when there is consensus.  And the WH is unwilling to get aggressive and move forward without them.  

And this is for someone that all sides agree on.  What a joke.

Who knows when we will ever see the judge slots filled...


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    who cares?

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    White house has more fish to fry then getting into a battle with our two red state senators,
    which they would love to provide red meat for their base. In the state of DESatan every battle
    has to be picked carefully.

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    1054 is correct.

  4. Anonymous7:49 PM

    The US attorney‘s office is being run by seasoned career prosecutors, and Tony Gonzalez is a true public servant, what’s the problem? He’s doing an amazing job. At this point, why change a good thing?

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    No appointed USA reduces the chances of another Acosta-Epstein snafu.

    Less judges means less chances of anything getting to an actual trial which works out fine for the USAO.

    What’s not to like? Unless you’re an actual trial Lawyer.


    I don't think the minority party in the Senate - ask Mitch McConnell - has the power to hold up the Judiciary Committee, or the senate as a whole, if the majority is determined to get nominees confirmed. Has Lapointe even been nominated by the president? It's not fair to blame our senators for this. It's on the Democrats. Far more likely, as pointed out by another commenter, nothing is happening because the perception among Democrats is that the office is functioning adequately, and both the administration and the Senate majority have other priorities.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Hahahahaha. They won’t give a blue slip on anyone right now because they are obstructing.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Biden and his people are so weak. He was a Senator for decades. He knows how the system works. The republicans try to undermine him at every turn. Yet he just bunkers down and wont engage this fight.
    I have problem with Senators who call Jan 6 a hoax getting to pick US Attorneys and Federal Judges.
    Who would think we would have a president so weak.
