Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy New Year!

 I hope everyone has a healthy and safe new year's weekend.  Here are some of the things I'm wishing for in 2022:

1.  Judges who are flexible with schedules since COVID has messed everything up.

2.  Prosecutors who are open to self-surrender even when a defendant is not cooperating.

3.  Early exhibit lists.

4.  Early Jencks.

5. Searchable discovery.

6.  Appellate judges who find errors not always harmless.

7. Defense lawyers who represent cooperators not saying "you know I can't let him speak to you."

8. Variances.  Big ones.

9.  Judges willing to dismiss B.S. cases and not "letting the jury decide."

10. Less stress.

A guy can hope.  Anyway, thanks for your tips, your comments, and for reading.  Onward!


  1. the trialmaster10:48 AM

    I will add one more. No trial tax if found guilty.

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    How about this? No trial Tax in Broward when found NOT Guilty. They used to take your client into custody when out on bond when acquitted. For a "records check". Sure.
    And BTW, that AUSA who tasted the bitter defeat in your trial? He's on record emailing me that he doesn't allow self-surrender for defendants who do not cooperate. Just saying, it's an institutional thing.

  3. Happy New Year, David!
