Friday, November 22, 2019

President Trump officially nominates Andrew Brasher to the 11th Circuit

It's hard to imagine a court going through more change than the 11th Circuit. Here's the link to the WH press release. Brasher will fill Ed Carnes' seat if he is confirmed. He will have a tougher time than Luck and Lagoa, who were easily confirmed.


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    yeah it will take him an extra five minutes and his confirmation vote will not be unanimous. he will still be an article iii judge. the senate confirmed a rapist to the supreme court and numerous unqualified candidates to lower courts
    thank you moscow mitch

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM


      Excellent post, your wit is astounding!

      Curious what your opinion is on the federalist society....?

      Have a nice weekend!

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Only change is the faces. The law of the circuit will continue to be, as it has been, over-the-top conservative. Same judging, different faces.

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    He will have the honor of representing a state in which 49% of the electorate voted for a known pedophile to represent them in the United States Senate. Good people!

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Your welcome

    -The Federalist Society
