Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Alex Acosta tweets response re Epstein case

Here is the link


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    life is just so unfair to people like Epstein. how the gov backs off on its agreements to non-pros him. so so so sad

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I like Acosta, but this is bullshit and anybody who practices federal defense knows it. They didn't even execute a warrant on his home down here. They intentionally kept the victims in the dark and had a wealth of evidence available to them. A better statement would be:

    At the time it seemed like the right thing to do. In retrospect, it clearly was a mistake. I appologize to the victims for the years they have had to wait for this. I am very pleased that it has been picked up by sdny and that he will face the full extent of the law.

    Sure, it probably means the end of his time in government, and that is sad because he does do a good job. But that result is coming whether he is straight about it or not.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Secretary Acosta's tweet translated: please please please, supreme leader, do not fire me.


  5. Anonymous2:25 PM

    To quote a federal judge on a case I was before recently, Acosta "rode the wrong pony to the parade". His tweet is the height of hypocrisy. He should be ashamed. Oh wait- he works for Trump. He has no conscience. No person of good character would work in such a corrupt administration. And he should not be surprised that his boss has no loyalty and shortly between using hand sanitizer and eating another big mac will sneer "off with his head" and that will be it for Acosta

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    All should read Judge Marra's opinion re: Mandatory restitution to victims. Anyone who has worked on a case where there were "victims" should have known that the district's victim witness coordinator should have been brought in to identify and notify victims of Epstein's crimes in the SDFL.
    I cannot impugn Alex's motive to secure some sort of justice, but he should not have agreed to limit notification to, or identification of, victims.

  7. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Dom i know u put aside Epsteins guilt and look at the plea and the current situation different than most. I do too. Dont even think about an op ed. You have the perfect storm of a sex predator, who is white, hooked into a trump cabinet official. No one will listen to what you have to say rationally. You will be deemed the enemy.
