Friday, February 01, 2019

Lots of discussion re Stone's arrest versus surrender

Here's Sen. Graham raising concerns about not letting Stone self-surrender. (And this is my original piece on it.)

Many have responded that SWAT team arrests is a wide-spread practice and Stone shouldn't be treated differently. But that argument doesn't hold water -- the practice should NOT be widespread. It should not be acceptable to waste resources and risk a dangerous situation where a defendant will voluntarily surrender.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "It should not be acceptable to waste resources and risk a dangerous situation where a defendant will voluntarily surrender."

    As you know, law enforcement agencies come equipped with a wide variety of devices and equipment. A crystal ball isn't one of them.

    No one knows what anyone, especially a Roger Stone, a man who has threatened physical violence against at least one witness, is going to do after hearing that early morning knock on the door. It should not be acceptable to place law enforcement lives at risk when we don't know if a defendant will voluntarily surrender.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    SWATing is about embarrassing the subject, instilling fear in their family and a power-trip for the Feds.

    If you don't object to bail, there's no reason to SWAT a defendant.

    It's an abuse of power and discretion. Plain and simple.

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Can't let the white man suffer.

  4. Anonymous11:57 AM

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Unfortunately, it may take a white man defendant in order to set a good precedent.

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    "Hello, Mr. Stone, this is the F.B.I., if it fits in to your schedule, could you please come in to our office so that we can arrest you. In the meantime, please feel free to destroy any incriminating evidence in your possession or under your control now that you know you have been indicted and that your arrest is imminent. Also, please feel free to call the Leader of the Free World to see what advice/orders he may have for you. Also, feel free to go on Fox and Friends or to make any other public comments you would like undermining your prosecution. Have a pleasant day and we will see you when it is convenient to you."

  7. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Destroy evidence?

    The SCO already has his entire hard-drive, it was surrendered to the grand-jury almost a year ago. Thus the very emails he is charged with lying about.

    Having CNN there for the arrest instead of him giving an interview to Fox-n-Friends on the way to surrender had the same effect, actually may have worked better for his liberal press witch-hunt argument.

    The leader of the free world has his pardon ready. Waiting to be signed at a moment's notice like the others on 11/4/20 regardless of the election results..

  8. Lemming5:30 PM

    Who KNOWS what might happen? Even though i have grand juried everyone here ever spoke to and have every text he has sent for years, I would have used a no knock warrant and a flash grenade because he might delete an email! This guy spoke disparagingly about another man's service dog...Why take a chance? Also he's white so who cares!


  9. 2:39 PM

    You meant 1/19/21, right?


  10. Really nice and informative blog, keep it up buddy…Thanks for sharing

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    FBI may have given him the SWAT treatment but expect Trump to give Stone the Marc Rich treatment on January 18, 2021, re-election or not. And ditto for Flynn.

  12. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Wow! White Privilege Much!

  13. What about all the evidence? C'mon. Dignity is a luxury America can't afford given the stakes in this investigation.

  14. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I believe the Spanish equivalent of Andrew is Andres


  15. Google "Andreo" smart guy #justsayin
