Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pleading of the year before Judge Ungaro

Oh this Webzilla pleading "Six Ways Buzzfeed has misled the Court (Number Two will amaze you) ... And a picture of a Kitten" is good.  Very good:
"In a somewhat remarkable Motion to Dismiss, Plaintiffs Buzzfeed, Inc. (“Buzzfeed”) and Ben Smith (“Mr. Smith”) intimate that their ties to Florida are so sparse that, collectively, they can barely find Florida on a map and that, as a result, the present case should be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction or transferred to the Southern District of New York," Gubarev's lawyers wrote. 


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Do you SD Fla. folks think this will fly in front of Judge Ungaro, or that she will not be amused?

  2. I think she won't be amused. Creativity in briefs can be laudable (I've seen a brief in the form of a drawn comic tastefully done). This probably crosses a line, though, as the picture of a kitten is attached for no apparent reason other than to be silly.

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    It is a very well written motion, the caption is great, but the body is really great. I do not think she will mind it.

  4. Anonymous8:03 AM

    It's good to see that the KGB agents who are running our democracy have a sense of humor.

  5. Anonymous7:39 PM

    This week the GOP will complete the most spectacular theft in recent US political history. By confirming Judge Gorsuch, the GOP will have stolen a Supreme Court seat from former President Obama. This continues the GOP's long tradition of obstruction both nationally and locally. The DEM party needs to stay strong and block Judge Gorsuch's nomination.
