Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Will Judge Ursula Ungaro be the next U.S. Attorney? rumors are swirling, and apparently many are pointing to Judge Ungaro as the next U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. (For a list of the other potential candidates, see here).  

I've received emails from numerous sources on this, so I reached out to Judge Ungaro for comment.  She said: "We have a fine U.S. Attorney and, to my knowledge, he has not resigned.  In the event he chooses to do so, and I hope he does not, the U.S. Attorney's position is extremely important, interesting and challenging, and whoever is appointed should have maturity, good judgment, and value the rule of law in the pursuit of justice."

Well, Judge Ungaro certainly has all of those characteristics.  I've had lots of cases before Judge Ungaro (both as a PD and in private practice) -- she is wickedly smart and is really fair (as an example, see the sentences she handed out in the Greer case).   She would whip that office into shape, that's for sure.


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    And the pick would be smart. He'd be double dipping. By picking her, he'd free up another spot on the bench that he could fill.

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Although that may happen regardless. It appears that Judge Ungaro has just over 24 years of federal service (appointed Oct. 9, 1992) and will turn 66 on Jan. 29, thereby qualifying for retirement at full salary or senior status under the so-called "Rule of 80" (see 28 USC 371). So the president may get to fill her spot whether or not he chooses her to be the U.S. Attorney. If he were to, perhaps she would be the one double-dipping in a sense, drawing both her District Judge salary (technically, "an annuity equal to the salary [s]he was receiving at the time [s]he retired") and the U.S. Attorney salary. On the other hand, she would be working when she wouldn't have to and doing a job somebody else would be getting paid for anyway, so arguably more power to her -- just like anyone who has a pension and chooses to work and earn extra money. The timing certain is good for Her Honor.

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Correction to last post submitted. Ungaro qualified when she turned 65 last year, as she already had more than the 15 years of service she needed. My bad ... Still really good timing!

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    What a ridiculous, unfounded rumor to post on your blog. Slow news day, was it, yesterday? Take a look at her past travel history and ask yourself if she is really up to the task of becoming USA. I think not.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    She's more than up to the task. I'd take a half asleep Judge Ungaro over most other judges in the district.

  6. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Judge Ungaro is one of our absolute best judges for civil cases -- she rules quickly and fairly in reasoned orders. If she is selected as the next U.S. Attorney, she'll be missed.

  7. @RealDonaldTrump Tweeted2:18 PM

    @realdonaldtrump Ungaro would be GREAT pic for so fla. Also Rudy Guilani is a great guy. And Chris Christie is amazing. So many really great people to pick from to make america and miami great again. #draintheswamp #seeyaatjoesfriday

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Keep pigs Christie and Guiliani out of Florida!! Leave em up Nawth where dey belong!

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Think she would be great. Tough but fair. Respected by both sides. First woman USA in our district. Thanks Trump!
