Wednesday, February 11, 2015

You know you've made it when Jon Stewart makes fun of you

Forward to the 4:45 mark to see Mark Eiglarsh.

In other news, we may be getting close to impeachment proceedings for Judge Fuller:
The House committee responsible for judicial impeachments has asked for a budget increase in case it needs to initiate proceedings against U.S. District Judge Mark Fuller of Alabama, who has been charged with battery.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said this week that the committee may need the extra money to establish an impeachment task force, hire lawyers and conduct an investigation.

Although impeaching Fuller is only a possibility — his colleagues on the federal bench could decide not to recommend that option, or Fuller could resign — the budget request signals Congress is taking steps to prepare for what historically has been a rare but lengthy process.

“We are closely monitoring the recent arrest and ongoing prosecution” of Fuller, Goodlatte told the House Administration Committee on Wednesday.

Joining Goodlatte in presenting the budget request was the panel’s top Democrat, Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

Fuller, a federal judge in Montgomery since 2002, was charged with misdemeanor battery after an August incident involving his then-wife in an Atlanta hotel room. If he successfully completes a pretrial diversion program of domestic violence counseling and drug and alcohol screenings, his criminal record will be wiped clean.

A five-member panel of federal judges is investigating to decide whether further disciplinary action is needed. If Fuller’s colleagues recommend he be impeached, the process would start at the House Judiciary Committee.


  1. P. Guyotat11:33 AM

    It's Jon Stewart.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Mark has definitely made it.

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Eiglarsh: "You, [Megyn Kelley] are like Walter Cronkite ... ."

    Uh ... what?

    Can you get your nose a little deeper there Mark? That's embarrassing.

    Can you imagine Walter Cronkite pushing the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation "story?" That was pure race-baiting.

    Megyn Kelley is a partisan hack who tows the Fox News party line 95% of the time. The only thing that sets her apart from the other Fox News hacks is that she calls bullshit occasionally, but only because it is good theatre. It makes her slightly less predictable and gives her a thin veneer of credibility. The media tends to replay clips of her aberrant truthful comments and mostly ignores the vast majority of the time where she is towing the party line.

  4. OMG, like wow. Megyn, you are soooooo hot. Mmmmmmmmmmm. And soooooo smart and credible too!


  5. P. Guyotat4:49 PM

    You toe the line, not tow the line.

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM


  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I have yet to meet a lawyer as douchy as this guy.
