Thursday, July 17, 2014

Judge Kopf comments on Lebron leaving for Cleveland

You thought his STFU post was noteworthy?  Well, the good judge has something to say about LBJ bolting Miami, and he did it on this blog.  The blog posted Judge Kopf's decision to continue blogging, and an anonymous poster asked about Lebron's decision: "What does Judge Kopf say about Lebron leaving for Cleveland?" 

Judge Kopf answered (which he often times does on his blog to comments, which is really cool):

I was born in Toledo, and I grew up in NW Ohio for a part of my childhood. What do I say about Lebron leaving for Cleveland? You have got to be kidding.

I truly love Miami. I spent part of my growing up years in the '50s on the other side of Florida in a magical place called Pass-a-Grille. I connected with my absent grandfather on my mother's side in Miami. I had never met him before. I will never forget that experience.

All of that said, Lebron 's heart is in Cleveland, and I'm glad he followed it.

All the best.


Thanks for posting here Judge Kopf.  The blogosphere is better off for your participation!

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