Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's time for a new federal courthouse in Broward...

...because it's raining INTO the current courthouse.  Literally:


This is more than absurd; it's unsafe.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Oh please. Not enough money for court clerks, probation officers or pds, but we should build another palace in Ft. Lauderdale for three active district judges? Just fix the roof. Or move them to one of the FOUR palaces in Miami, where there is plenty of space and no leaking roofs.

  2. David,
    Where have you been? I'm guessing since Marc is in a trial there, he sent you the videos, but this courthouse has been deteriorating for years. I even wrote about this on my crappy blog ( They are down to one elevator, the three same water-filled garbage cans have been in front of Judge Snow's courtroom for years catching leaking water from the ceiling.
    But, alas, it was more important to build an over budget cruise ship in Miami and a white elephant in Fort Pierce than it was to maintain what we have (Dyer, King, Lauderdale, etc.) .... just sayin'

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    This isn't about Miami. This is about making sure the Broward litigants, the Broward judges, the Broward lawyers, and the Broward jurors can have their cases heard in Broward in a safe place where they don't have to be rained on.

  4. Fake Fred Moreno9:27 PM

    Meeeeeester Markus! Stop filming in my courthouses!

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Old news. GSA officials must be at a "conference" somewhere.

  6. Bob Becerra10:35 AM

    The neglect by the GSA of that building is appalling. This is what you get by driving a building into the ground year after year.

  7. Anonymous7:09 PM

    There's a lot more than just three active District Court judges in the Fort Lauderdale Courthouse, there is an extremely active Bankruptcy Court with two judges and one of the most active dockets in the nation, and active branch offices of Homeland Security, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and many other government agents.
