Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday News & Notes

1.  The Court's Holiday Schedule is here.

2.  Former NFL player Louis Gachelin sentenced to two plus years.  (Via Sun-Sentinel).

3.  Lewis/Tein has some good news covered by the DBR and SFL.  UPDATED -- And Rumpole!

4. Alan Dershowitz interviews Jeffrey Toobin.  Really interesting.

5.  Former state prosecutor in Maine cuts his electronic monitor.  Apparently, that's very rare.

6.  The Washington Times updates the judicial nominees and the waiting time.


  1. ...covered by DBR and SFL...." and? And????

  2. Sorry about that. I added you dude.

  3. WAIT!!! I just read SFL's new post about anonymous blogging. I don't want any more publicity. Take it down. Take it down!
