Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Debate night (UPDATED)

Should be a fun debate tonight.  I always enjoy watching these debates to see how persuasive speakers work their craft.  Here's a clip from last night's debate between Elisabeth Warren and Scott Brown.  Who do you think gave the better, more persuasive answer:

UPDATE -- I find it really interesting to read the comments to see how people interpret the same video.  So, who do you think got the better of this exchange:


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    That smug Harvard professor look does her no service - she gave the better answer, he sounds like an idiot - he won the exchange because she is so fucking smug.

    Fucking people from Harvard - I mean...Harva...oh wait, shit...David, where did you go to Law School?

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I'll take her smug Harvard professor look over a mindless idiot like Brown.

    He's just like Sarah Palin, and according to Steve Schmidt she thought the Queen was in charge of the British forces in Iraq and that Saddam attacked us on 9/11. Politicians like them count on people not knowing anything at all.

    I hope she wins.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    She won with the lawyers; Brown won with the people.

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'm not a Brown fan but he attended Tufts and BC Law. Is he really a male Palin?

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    For a lawyer he sure had a hard time coming up with a suitable answer. It was similar to the reaction Palin had when she was asked to name a Supreme Court case.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Okay, maybe the comparison to Palin is a little too unreasonable. But my point is that Warren is more qualified, regardless of her demeanor. It's been working against her throughout her entire campaign (her speech at the DNC didn't help her either), but she's the better candidate.

  7. Anonymous5:23 PM

    such awesomeness. This blog is so cool unlike other blogs run by jerks who gossip and take pleasure in hurting others.

  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    5:23 pm - Not sure if that's sarcasm or not. But if it is, you can take your sarcasm to the JBB where all the pervy old men discuss other more successful attorneys (that actually practice criminal defense) and fantasy football.

    Also, you need to learn how to use the term "awesomeness" correctly (nobody over 49 should be using that term).

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sen. Brown better in both clips. Kagan a model Justice after like one term on the job? Really? Brown stumbled a bit, but he managed to hit the right (Scalia), middle (Kennedy) and left (Sotomayor). Way to appeal to voters: something for everyone. And I liked the "I'm not a student in your classroom" comment.

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    david went to UM, except for his last semester

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Brown did better than yr guy Obama did last night. That was brutal.

  12. Anonymous2:24 PM

    5:23-- I'm very confused by the comment left by 5:23. You speak of jerks who gossip on other blogs but in a way isn't that what you're doing-- Gossiping and speaking trash about the JBB?I assume that's who you're referring to?

    6:45- Pervy old men? Hmmf! We have a sexual and healthy appetite.

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    2:24 pm be careful of 6:45. do not engage under any circumstances.

    But golly gee this blog is such awesomeness. Just so frickin cool and unlike other blogs where they just gossip about other people's misery and ...I know there is a big word for that but I lost my fuggin thesaurus. Just revel in the awesomeness of this for now.

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Whatever you say, Rumpole (2:24 p.m. and 5:51 p.m.). I'm not a daily reader by any means, but the lack of a really good blog/chat at the JBB is evident. And by the way, it's not considered "talking trash" if it's true.

    Re: "We have a sexual and healthy appetite." Excuse me, while I vomit in my mouth. You're still old and pervy, nothing you do or say will change that.

    The fact that you didn't resist the temptation of responding to my comments shows how intensely insecure you are. Who knew anonymous bloggers could be so petty.

  15. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm not sure who you are, 6:31- guy or gal, or what your goal is here. But if you are having trouble keeping your meals down, maybe you shouldn't look in the mirror. This is 2:24 who is neither of any other commentator nor Rumpole.

  16. Anonymous7:46 PM

    @ 3:01 PM - whatever you say, Rumpole.

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I feel dumber for having watched these. So I guess they got the better of me. JRP
