Friday, June 15, 2012

Willie and Ben answering questions from Michael Caruso and the CJA lawyers


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Real nice of Ben to go all the way to Naples to give the whole CJA Panel and FPDs Office THE BIRD!!! (right hand).

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM


  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Bubble thoughts:

    Willy - "for fuck's sake Ben, I thought you were joking"

    Caruso - "nothing new there"

    Jaime B - "I think I might be able to make you some money at a club with that"

    Jason Grey - "You mother!@#$*@#$%, wait till I get you outside"

    Tony Natalie - "Ma va fungulo"

    Cristy O'Connor - "Is that how many trials you guys won this year?"

    Will Truman - " that it? Not to impressive."

    David Markus - "reminds me of the last bris I went to, only not as much fun."

    Phil Horowitz - "Leh dhof shluk kafu!"

    Judge Martinez - "Atta boy!"

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Not cool

  5. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Which part? It's all in fun, Ben most certainly was not flicking anybody off, the bubble thoughts are funny....come on, lighten up.

    David, how do I flick off 7:33?

  6. Grey Tesh11:37 PM

    I give credit to Willy. How many untied states attorneys would sit down with the pds and cja lawyers and field complaints? And do it with a good attitude?

    He actually took notes. He clarified that certain things ausas were doing were not office policy. e.g. 2255 waivers as part of a plea. He said he would look into some of the complaints. For instance, the Broward company that is charging cja lawyers gobs of money for computer discovery.

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Who made them take their ties off?
