Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BREAKING -- JNC sends 4 names to Senators

Your next federal judge will be one of these four people:

Jerald Bagley
John O'Sullivan
Robin Rosenbaum
John Thornton

Two State Circuit judges and two Federal Magistrates. I'm picturing a cage match -- Bagley and Thornton vs. O'Sullivan and Rosenbaum. Who wins that one?

Update-- happy to report that Judge Moreno's letters were cited yesterday in the Senate. Hopefully they will have some impact. Here's the link: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2011-07-25/pdf/CREC-2011-07-25-pt1-PgS4860.pdf#page=1



  1. Bob Becerra10:19 AM

    I, for one, would like to see a Magistrate Judge get the post. It appears that in our District, Magistrate Judges never get picked to be District Judges. When I mention to lawyers in other states that Mags never get picked in our District, they are often shocked, as Mags are the preferred choice to be District Judges in many other districts.

  2. I could live with John O'Sullivan. John Thornton has done a superb job in the relatively short time he has been on the Circuit Bench and Judge Bagely does not always get the credit he deserves for being a wise and fair Judge.

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    maybe so but not rosenbaum, although at least she actually lives in our county (isnt this a lauderdale seat?) feel for judge seltzer who deserves more credit than he gets. will likely be bagley, though i said that before and was wrong twice. third time the charm?!

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I think Mag Rosenbaum would be fine, better than the state hacks for sure

  5. Senator Leahy cited Chief Judge Moreno's letter on the Senate floor yesterday decrying the confirmation gridlock:


  6. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I'd take any of the three over Thornton!! I do think there is a benefit to elevating Mags to the District Court... and I think anyone coming from the State bench should have much more experience then Thornton currently does. I was involved with several of his federal cases before he went to the state bench... and I'm curious about how he would adjust to the federal bench. Just my opinion...

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM


  8. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I'd love to see Robin selected. She tries a good case and is no nonsense and fair; at least on the civil side.

  9. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Robin Rosenbaum would be an outstanding choice. What a terrific judge.
