Monday, June 06, 2011

Your Monday Morning moment of Zen


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Uh, he did.

    The well-known fable is Revere's late-night ride to warn fellow revolutionaries that....

    ...the British were coming. Less known, obviously, is the rest of the evening's events in which Revere was captured by said redcoats and did indeed defiantly warn them of the awakened militia awaiting their arrival ahead and of the American Revolution's inevitable victory.

  2. Bob Becerra9:41 AM

    I guess Paul did not get the memo.

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    This woman becomes stupider by the second.

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The only thing sadder than Palin's intellectual abilities is the army of right-wingers that come out of the wood work to clean up her latest rhetorical mix ups like anonymous 9:41, who is currently working feverishly to explain the part about firearms being taken by ringings bells.

    She goofed. Make light of it and move on.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I can't believe this was posted today. It was widely reported three days ago that Paul Revere did in fact, when captured by the British, warn them that the colonists' militia was awaiting them in order to dissuade the British from pressing forward.
    If the intent in posting this was to make someone look like an idiot, consider it a success.

  6. She's an idiot. The fact that some segment of our society takes her seriously truly frightens me.
