Thursday, May 12, 2011

Funny email exchange

Julie Kay wrote a story on a funny email exchange that has been making the rounds. I love the sign off by Harrell: "all the best". Too funny. Here's the exchange:

From: Harrell, Michael P.
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 1:23 PM
Cc: Adams, Lep; Silva, Albert P.; Neal, Austin; Wanek, Brian N.; Long, J Craig; Howell, Chanley T.; Harper, C. David; Hedrick, Charles V.; Lever Jr., Chauncey W.; Adams, Christi; Griffin, Christopher L.; Kise, Christopher M.; Creely, Curt P.; Bachrach, Daniel (Dan); Zenov, Darin I.; Cook, David C.; Woodson, R Duke; Baxa Jr., Edmund T.; Lotzia, Emerson M.; Magee, Emily; Cerezo, Francisco J.; Ridley, Fred S.; Davis, Gardner F.; Koch, Gary D.; Fernandez-Quincoces, Guillermo J.; Raij, Irwin P.; Arkin, J. G; Grodin, James; Manzi, James A.; Hamilton, John; Horan, John; Lord Jr., John S. (Jack); Tucker IV, John A.; Vetter, John C.; Kilman, Jonathan P.; Fowler, Kevin; Hyde, Kevin E.; Reck, Kevin A.; Ross, Kevin K.; Wolfson, Mark J.; Traber, Martin A.; Smith, Leslie; Breuer, Matthew G.; Annis, Michael D.; Gay, Michael; Kirwan, Michael B.; Matthews, Michael P.; Okaty, Michael; Strickland, Wes; Shivers, Olin G.; Rosenthal, Paul; Wolfe, Randolph J.; Davis, Richard; Bernstein, Robert S.; Hosay, Robert H.; Meek, E. Robert; Barquet, Roy; Callen, Scott; Richburg, Scott D.; Crane, Stephen A.; Szabo, Stephen J.; Vazquez, Steven W.; Edwards, Ted B.; Little, Thomas M.; Maida, Thomas; Maurer, Thomas; Munro II, Thomas; Little, Walter C.; Davis, William E.; Guthrie, William C. (Bill)
Subject: RE: Opportunities

Biff: we've never met but you seem to be an ass who is extremely fond of himself.

all the best,

Mike Harrell

From: Byrd F. "Biff" Marshall, Jr. [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 12:41 PM
To: Gay, Michael
Cc: Adams, Lep; Silva, Albert P.; Neal, Austin; Wanek, Brian N.; Long, J Craig; Howell, Chanley T.; Harper, C. David; Hedrick, Charles V.; Lever Jr., Chauncey W.; Adams, Christi; Griffin, Christopher L.; Kise, Christopher M.; Creely, Curt P.; Bachrach, Daniel (Dan); Zenov, Darin I.; Cook, David C.; Woodson, R Duke; Baxa Jr., Edmund T.; Lotzia, Emerson M.; Magee, Emily; Cerezo, Francisco J.; Ridley, Fred S.; Davis, Gardner F.; Koch, Gary D.; Fernandez-Quincoces, Guillermo J.; Raij, Irwin P.; Arkin, J. G; Grodin, James; Manzi, James A.; Hamilton, John; Horan, John; Lord Jr., John S. (Jack); Tucker IV, John A.; Vetter, John C.; Kilman, Jonathan P.; Fowler, Kevin; Hyde, Kevin E.; Reck, Kevin A.; Ross, Kevin K.; Wolfson, Mark J.; Traber, Martin A.; Smith, Leslie; Breuer, Matthew G.; Annis, Michael D.; Gay, Michael; Kirwan, Michael B.; Matthews, Michael P.; Okaty, Michael; Strickland, Wes; Shivers, Olin G.; Rosenthal, Paul; Wolfe, Randolph J.; Davis, Richard; Bernstein, Robert S.; Hosay, Robert H.; Meek, E. Robert; Barquet, Roy; Callen, Scott; Richburg, Scott D.; Crane, Stephen A.; Szabo, Stephen J.; Vazquez, Steven W.; Edwards, Ted B.; Little, Thomas M.; Maida, Thomas; Maurer, Thomas; Munro II, Thomas; Little, Walter C.; Davis, William E.; Guthrie, William C. (Bill)
Subject: Opportunities

Michael, as I told you a few months ago, we are pleased that Foley thinks so highly of our partners that your firm decided to contact a number of them about joining Foley as partners (a couple have been told they would be great office leaders). As of the most recent call (yesterday), about 20 of my partners have told me about the Foley calls they received (most consider this a compliment as your firm is well respected) . The partners are in Tampa, Tallahassee, Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville (our Lakeland partners feel slighted).

Foley is a great firm, and if any of our partners are unhappy, I will encourage them to talk with your firm. We are also hiring in all these cities, and rather than asking headhunters and others to contact each of your Florida partners individually, I decided to copy them with this note and let them know things are going well at Gray Robinson.

I hope all is well.

Byrd F. "Biff" Marshall, Jr.


GrayRobinson, P.A.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This really isn't funny

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    [ 1 syll. bif(f), bi-ff ] The boy name Biff is also used as a girl name. Its pronunciation is BIHF †. The name's meaning is playful fighting. The names Bif and Biffe are variants of Biff.


  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Where's Mike Walsh?

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    As lawyers, all we have is our judgement.

    Gray Rob is run by a person with the judgement one would expect at Gray Rob

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Just proves that civil lawyers are anything but


    Congrats to Kathy Williams who was vote out of the Senate Judiciary today on a voice vote. Now it's on to the full Senate. We will soon be able to call her Your Honor.

    Captain Out .....

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    These guys have way too much time on their hands. Probably because they haven't had a trial since the Nixon administration.

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Don't F with Biff. Trust me. You are the one with time on your hands... Commenting on blogs... Go bill.
