Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Congrats to the 3 who made the cut

A reliable source tells me that the Federal JNC will recommend Jerald Bagley, John O'Sullivan, and Bob Scola to the Senators. Congratulations to those three!

Interesting facts: all three are judges, two state and one federal magistrate. Bagley and Scola were finalists for the last seat as well. Kathy Williams is still waiting to be confirmed for that seat...

UPDATE-- Kendall Coffey sent this email late last night to the 16 applicants:

On behalf of the Southern District Conference of the Florida Federal Judicial Nominating Commission, I want to express our appreciation for the time you spent with us during your interview today. You are to be commended for your impressive presentation and qualifications as well as for your service to the public and to our profession. Because of the high quality of the applicants, these were truly difficult decisions. As a result of the deliberations that followed the interviews, the District Conference members have selected the following finalists whose names will be forwarded to Senator Nelson and Senator LeMieux in accordance with Rule 27 of the Florida Federal JNC Rules of Procedure:

Jerald Bagley

John J. O’Sullivan

Robert N. Scola, Jr.

Again, we are grateful for the opportunity to have met with you and truly appreciate your participation in this important process.

Kendall Coffey


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Well at least two out of my four picks made the cut. If I had known that three would be selected, I would have picked O'Sullivan and Scola and been two out of three. My original picks were O'Sullivan, Scola, Rosenbaum, and Seltzer. What was the over/under on Rosenbaum?

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    go JJO!

  3. Anonymous3:36 PM

    This shit is so predictable. Bagley and Scola have been trying and waiting since the Nixon administration and John O was obvious. Too bad we can't elect them and get some Tea Party nut job in there just for fun. All these guys are just too stable.

  4. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It is a testament to JJO that he was selected, mags normally don't make it in this district, which is crazy in my opinion

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Please explain how Michael Hanzman did not get nominated? The nominees are great, but my buddy Michael is the most brilliant and compassionate person I know.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Still rooting for O'Sullivan! Glad he made the cut.
