Tuesday, August 10, 2010


There's a certain honour with being the blogger to post the 1600th post on David O Markus's famous Southern District Of Florida Blog. And with DOM being out of town and unawares, we decided to grab the honour before he could change his mind and revoke our blogging privileges.

For those of you discriminating enough to read our own humble blog about the Richard E Gerstein Courthouse in Miami, you know that last week we promised- at the possible expense of Mr. Markus's standing in the community and his law license- to post a joke that started off this way: " A rabbi, a priest, President Obama and (insert your favourite federal judge here) walk into Tobacco road...."

But before we get to the punch line, there's this to consider:
Rumpole's person of the day:

Meet Former Jet Blue Flight Attendant Steven Slater. On a flight on Monday inbound to JFK from Pittsburgh, Mr. Slater had a confrontation with an unruly female passenger. (Side note- those gals from the Steel City can be quite a handful when they've had a few Iron City beers in them). Upon landing at JFK, Mr. Slater had all he could take. When the plane stopped taxing, Mr. Sater activated the emergency exit, deployed the emergency slide, grabbed a beer from the beverage cart, and slid off the plane and into instant fame. Mr. Slater got into his car and drove home to Queens where a few hours later a few members of New York's Finest showed up to arrest him on a slate of charges. For those of you who exclusively practice in Federal Court, The NY Times coverage is here.

For those of you who occasionally venture over to State Court, the NY Post coverage is here. (Headline was "Wing-Nut pleads not guilty.")

Punchline: They all walk up to the bar and order a round of beers. And the bartender looks up and sees who has walked in and says: 'what is this, some kind of joke?' "

Sorry folks, this is what happens when DOM goes on vacation.

See You in Court.

PS-if you want to know something useful about current federal legal developments, read South Florida Lawyer's post just below this one. We craftily waited until he posted number 1599 so we could grab 1600.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Is this Rump's new math??? You jumped the gun. The Blog Archive shows only 1580 posts, including your post:

    2005 150
    2005 270
    2007 337
    2008 296
    2009 345
    2010 182
    Total 1580

    You'll have to wait another 20 posts, which at the rate of this blog will take until Thanksgiving.
