Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why I love my TiVo

I got to watch Justice Alito's horrible poker face about 6 times before my wife made me continue with Obama's speech last night. After the President criticized the Supreme Court opinion in Citizens United, Justice Alito mouthed "not true" and shook his head. Here's the video:

All the other Justices kept their poker faces, but Alito was not a happy camper.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    That was not Presidential of Obama. As President, you don't openly criticize the Supreme Court in their faces before the whole nation. The court does not make decisions based on the President's political agenda. This shows his inexperience.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Gotta love the AG standing in the foreground clapping in their faces.

  3. It was right out of the Hugo Chavez playbook - try to openly intimidate any organ of the state that doesn't bend to your will. Totally classless, and more evidence of Obama's overwhelming narcissism. Hadn't he just chastised everyone in the room for excessive partisanship?

    If I were Alito, I wouldn't have been able to restrain myself as well.

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I would agree with 9:21 and 10:14 if this were a purely legal issue. Its not. This decision was all politics. To paraphrase the minority opinion, the only relevant change in the last hundred years that justifies the Citizens United decision is the make up of the Supreme Court, a/k/a politics.

    That said, I myself am not sure that the majority was wrong. But the President also wasn't wrong in making his feelings known during the State of the Union.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The way he prefaced his comments by saying "with all due deference" must have driven the judges crazy!

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    typical democrat crybabies

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What the President said was fine. But Alito's reaction was inappropriate for a Justice who is supposed to be beyond the politics of it all. You didn't see Justice Kennedy, who wrote the opinion in Citizen's United, giving away his hand like that.

    I think it was fine for Obama to express disagreement with the Court's ruling and his worries about the consequences that the decision will have on the electoral process. That he said so out loud during his State of the Union speech when the Supreme Court was sitting right in front of him shouldn't make any difference. Would you have him only say such things behind their backs? They're grown ups and I'm sure they can handle it. If not - and apparently Alito falls into this camp - then they should follow Justice Stevens' approach. He reportedly never goes to State of the Unions because he thinks they're too political.

    My only complaint about what Obama said is that he should have gotten his facts right if he was going to say something about the opinion. As I understand it, the Court's ruling expressly left for another day the issue of foreign corporations. For Obama, being a lawyer, he should get the holding right before launching an attack on it.

  8. Brant Hadaway3:03 PM

    Bucket O'Bananas is cracking up. He's not used to people disagreeing with him. I predict that he will be carried out of the Oval Office in a straightjacket.

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Grow up 1014 and stop spouting the nonsense they told you to repeat over and over like the koran at your federalist society meetings in law school. The supreme court especially after bush v gore and citiznes united has proved that it is unworthy of any respect and that it is a totally political insutitution with no respect for precedent or anything else. They decide what they want based upon thier political biases and the pontificating about judicial restraint is nonsense.

  10. swlip4:06 PM

    Yeah, right, 3:25. Construing and enforcing the plain meaning of "Congress shall make no law," and "the right of the people to keep and bear arms," is politically driven. Whereas finding a right to unlimited abortion on demand is not.

    Puh-leeze. It wasn't a conservative who threatened to pack the Court during the Great Depression. It wasn't conservatives who politicized the nomination process by turning "Bork" into a verb. Likewise, the gasbag who bloviated last night about ending rank partisanship out of one side of his mouth while chastising the SCOTUS with (what even liberal commentators acknowledge) a dishonest characterization of a recent decision out of the other. This was a shocking and unprecedented breach of decorum from the man who got elected by promising to be a post-partisan leader. It was made all the more appalling by the fact that he's a former Con-Law prof who should have known that he was mischaracterizing the Court's ruling. Of course, coward that he is, he knew that the justices would have to just sit there and take it.

    This president makes me yearn for the Carter era. And I remember the Carter era.

  11. Anonymous4:27 PM

    406 do you think using the term SCOTUS makes you sound more intelligent?

    Sorry to tell you it doesnt

  12. Anonymous4:43 PM

    PALIN/BROWN IN 2012!!!!

  13. You're a good Little Limbaugh, swlip.

    Good boy.

  14. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Swlip go and watch sean hannity you moron

  15. swlip9:07 AM

    Hahaha. Reading now about The One's new search for a place to "try" KSM. Keep up the retarded, ad hominem insults, folks. They won't change the fact that this president is toast.

  16. Anonymous11:06 AM

    swlip is absolutely right about this administration's arrogance. This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Man has become so arrogant that he thinks he can ignore the God of all creation by killing babies and teaching our elementary school students how to be homosexuals. Obama needs to turn to the real Jesus Christ, not the false version created by the likes of Jeremiah Wright and other reverse racists. Sean Hannity is actually right about 95% of what he says.

  17. swlip3:12 PM

    11:06 - Um, yeah, whatever. Be sure to take your meds.
