Thursday, November 12, 2009

News & Notes (Scott Rothstein edition)

1. Bob Norman is killing this story, telling us about strippers, Bova Prime (SFL will like the picture in this post, which I included to the left) and Judge Zloch.
4. UPDATED -- SFL covers the bogus Judge Marra order here. Here's the "order" and the SunSentinel coverage. Here's what SFL has to say about the "order":
1. There's no case number.
2. An interior decorating dispute yet Rothstein allegedly obtains a $2 million judgment.
3. "Punitive damages for fraud" to the tune of $21 million.
4. Rothstein allegedly gilds the lily with repeated references to how "clear and convincing" his evidence and presentation was.
5. A "contempt of counsel" award and Rule 11 sanctions too (where's the 28 USC Section 1927 award as well??)
6. Jones somehow waived her right of appeal "based on the doctrine of fraud in the inducement" and "unclean hands"?
7. This is friggin' loony tunes.
FURTHER UPDATE -- Rumpole has joined the party here. He even gets all Kobayashi Maru on us. The original is worth a watch:


  1. Glad to be of service.

  2. I don't like to lose either BTW.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Damn she was hot (Kerstie Ali) not Kim...Kim is not hot - I don't care what you guys say. Dime a dozen in any college town. Especially in the NE university towns Grumpy Rumpy was hanging out in -- except they have dark hair.

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM

    8:02, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  5. Who is that sexy minx standing next to Scott?

    Oh yeah -- Dan Marino.

  6. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I predict Rothstein gets a public reprimand from the Florida Bar for all of these shenanigans.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    So who plays SR in the movie version? I say Nathan Lane.

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    He plays himself....rats out raa friends they get big time he cuts deal to consp with 5 year cap...does 2.5 after the 5k...reduced to 1.25 after Rule 35 and is out in 1. The us attys office down here aint tough on anybody who doesn't go to trial and aint black or an illegal immigrant.
