Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's a special guest appearance by...

Vanessa Blum! In a "special to the Review," she covers the White & Case scandal:

Ten years ago, it would have been the stuff of law firm gossip. But in the age of e-mail, blogs and text messaging, the story of a messy affair between a Miami corporate attorney and a married mother of four has spiraled into a much bigger headache for the century-old law firm White & Case. First came mass e-mails from the woman’s husband detailing liaisons between his wife and an associate in the firm’s Miami office. Then the lurid e-mails landed on a popular legal blog where more than 100,000 people have viewed them. The associate’s name is not being published by the Daily Business Review. He did not respond to a phone message by deadline Monday or an e-mail sent Friday to his law firm address. A home phone number listed in the blog material for the associate is not accepting incoming calls, and a cell number reaches a recording saying it is not a working number.

We're happy to see Vanessa back and covering South Florida. She now is the second most famous guest star, after Heather Locklear from Melrose place.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    this blog is all over the map and really makes no sense. i'm jumping to south florida lawyers.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM


  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Thank God Vanessa is back. We want more Vanessa.

  4. shumie time for Vanessa3:32 PM

    Plus she's a hottie!!!

  5. Ed Williams4:45 PM

    Post a picture of Vanessa. If she is a hottie, I will ask her out. (Mrs. Williams is vacationing on an island in Europe for the rest of the year and will never know).

  6. Fake Commodore5:35 PM

    The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

  7. fake fakie6:34 PM

    i like that shum, shum, shum.

  8. fake man in full for the princess and pearls southern district blog8:58 PM


  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Welcome Back Ed! Where the hell you been?

    Whooo is going to be the next US Atty here?

    What d'ya say Ed?

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Cloned by a fakie. 'bout time.

  11. Ed Williams1:37 PM

    USAtty- Obama's people are probably looking for a local minority female with little practical or parochial experience. (That's what they like). I voted for Jeff Sloman. All he needs is to get a dress or pantsuit and makeup and he is it. Is it required that one from the list be picked?
