Monday, June 29, 2009

Breaking! Interviews have been determined for judge and US Attorney

I will post the entire list shortly. (I'm getting a haircut right now!)

UPDATE -- Although the list is out, it's not public yet. I've heard from multiple sources that 15 of the 21 judicial applicants got interviews. Apparently the list will be made public tomorrow and I will post it as soon as I have it.

SECOND UPDATE -- A number of people have called and emailed me to let me know some of the 15 applicants on the list or interviewees. This is unconfirmed but I've heard from reliable sources that the list includes Kathy Williams, Mary Barzee, Bob Scola, Jerald Bagley and Robin Rosenbaum. 10 others made the cut. I am trying to find out more...


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    DUDE YOU SUCK. Where is the list?

  2. I wouldn't print any comment starting with "Dude". Just a stylistic suggestion.

    PS- I'm not on the list, so you can cross those people off your list of the citizens in Miami whist you hunt me down.

  3. Point of Information:

    Speaking at the conference of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit on Saturday, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. said briefs before the high court are running too long, while the justices themselves are asking too many questions at oral argument.

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    rumor has it you also receive $300 hair cuts. Espically, after your $600K payday.

  5. Anonymous7:26 PM

    F u rumpole. Go back to your blog state court hack.

  6. It's nice to have fans.

    On a different note- Hey David- are you sure they calculated Bernie's Guideline's correctly?

    Did Chin forget to give him the 3 points for acceptance of responsibility?

    How do you think Bernie feels tonight? He pled- and got the max. I can't see any reason why he shouldn't have gone to trial. At least there he had some fight. Blame it on Bush, something. But I think he got really bad advice. There was a train roaring down the tracks here and his attorney was looking the other way.

    Your thoughts?

  7. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Rumpole is phil reisenstein. proof beyaond a reasonable doubt. in his reponse the other day he whines about a case in which an ASA didnt give him exculpatory DNA in a Rape case. he names the judge who had the case.
    i remember sitting in the courthouse having coffee with him and he was complaining about it.

    no doubt phil is rump

  8. Rumpole: I agree that Madoff's lawyer was ineffective in pleading him unless some sort of deal was cut not to prosecute his family and co-workers. Without such a deal, which wasn't reported, I can't understand why he would have pled guilty. The man is 71 years old. No way any judge in America gives him less than 20 years... Maybe the gambit should have been to demand a speedy trial... There probably was no winning in the end.

    7:01 -- my haircut today cost $15 and it shows.

  9. Anonymous12:45 AM

    $15? I tip more than that. Don't you think you're too old for the barber college?

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The only decent thing Madoff did was to take the plea and spare his sons.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I left a comment yesterday on Rumpole's blog. The comment was complimentary, but addressed to "Phil." Rumpole did not allow the comment to be posted. More evidence that Rumpole is Phil Reizenstein? Is Phil just trying to protect his anonymous status after ruffling so many judicial feathers?

  12. Anonymous11:16 AM

    you have no access,

  13. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Any of those 5 would be a great choice. Although Bagley can be a bit tough -- I would have liked to have seen him as the new US Atty for the SD Fla.

  14. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I don't care if phil is rumpole. Rumpole provides a valuable service that requires a bit of anonymity.
