Thursday, May 14, 2009

Justice Moreno??

Obama's short list for filling Justice Souter's seat on the Supreme Court has been leaked. And there's a Moreno on the list. Unfortunately, it's not our Moreno -- it's California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno (that's him on the left). Here's the rest of list:

Solicitor General Elena Kagan
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
U.S. Appeals Court judges Sonia Sotomayor and Diane Pamela Wood


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    No Moreno, Jordan, Pryor, Markus?

    What the hell is this guy thinking?

    Can you perceptive readers spot the name that does not belong on this list???

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    this blog's 15 minutes are up.....spammers are settling in.....

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Obama Planning to Keep Tribunals for

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    8:53: what is he supposed to do? just release them? He cant move them over to regular criminal court for obvious reasons. He is doing what should have been done six years ago. Try them before military commissions and then execute them if convicted. The fact that it has taken us this long to begin the process is where the outcry should be. Not over the decision to proceed with the tribunals.

  5. Why can't they be tried in a "regular" court?

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Talking about judges, I heard that there is a rumor that Judge Moore is leaving the bench. Is this true?

  7. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Because they have been tortured.

  8. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Judge moore is only leaving his chambers for the cj position in a couple years.

  9. fake Fred moreno4:49 PM

    MEEEESSSSTER MARKUS- Don't count me out yet. The nomination process isn't over until the fat lady sings.

  10. swlip8:17 PM

    Why can't they be tried in a "regular" court?And elevate the rights of unlawful combatants over those accorded to POWs under the Geneva conventions? What passes for sage wisdom around here sometimes frightens those of us who, you know, actually studied and practice international law.

    Traditionally, and at least as recently as WWII, an unlawful combatant was entitled to little more than a blindfold. The military tribunals - the governing statutes for which were drafted and re-drafted by congress - were more than generous. Of course, now Obama has painted himself into a corner where he either releases a bunch of terrorists, goes forward with the tribunals, or keeps them in indefinite detention.


  11. swlip8:20 PM

    Anyway, the comment I came here to make is that this "short list" of potential nominees is a "murderers' row" of the extreme hard left of judicial thought.

    Hope, meet Change.

  12. Sorry for my cranky demeanor in the above posts. I had just returned from taking depos in SW Virginia, and was pretty tired.
