Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Five of six convicted in Liberty City 6 case

Naudimar Herrera was acquitted (represented by Richard Houlihan). The rest, including lead defendant Narseal Batiste, were convicted. Initial Herald article here.

UPDATE (4:24pm): South Florida Lawyers has a funny post on the verdict. The Sun-Sentinel covers the case here. And the AP is also covering the case. Sentencing for the 5 convicted is set for July 26.

What an unbelievable case. Press releases by the Attorney General. Three really long trials. Two hung juries. Tens of millions of dollars spent. Two acquittals. An acquitted defendant being deported. Five convictions. Sick jurors. Replaced jurors. And now the appeals...


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Ludicrous, over-engineered, and overall insignificant "victory" in the War on Terror.

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Wow! Such a gleaming victory for the 3-time prosecutors in this case. I am sure they feel SO VERY PROUD.
    Thank goodness for them, spending many, many long months of their lives on this.
    I feel safer now.
    What wondrous, worthwhile projects will they take on next??
    I can only imagine how fulfilled they are, by this.
    They are just too impressive.

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    all you haters whine whine whine

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This case is a classic example of how "doing justice" and blind fixation on and proving the technical "elements" of a crime are very different things.

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Third time is the charm. That lion of a trial lawyer, Richard Gregorie, pulled a rabbit out of the hat.
