Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A federal judge's limerick in response to a 465 page complaint

"Plaintiff has a great deal to say,
But it seems he skipped Rule 8(a).
His Complaint is too long,
Which renders it wrong,
Please re-write and re-file today."

via ABA Journal (and Seattle Times)


  1. Bored law clerk at the end of her clerkship?

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    There once was a clerk for the Judge
    Who never bore a grudge
    She didn't write long
    But loved to wear thongs
    To lawyers she was the bomb

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Such a mysonginist...

    There once was Judge's clerk
    And boy, was he a jerk
    The black robe he thought
    was his to sport
    but mentally he was too short.
