Friday, March 07, 2008

Chief Justice on cameras in the Supreme Court

"It's not our job to educate the public. Our job is to decide vitally important cases under the Constitution."

That's what he told a group of high school students in response to a question about why there were no cameras in the High Court.

Is it me or isn't that a very self-important, arrogant and obnoxious answer? I like the Chief Justice, but I disagree with him strongly on this point. How does educating the public at all take away from deciding important cases?


  1. "Not our job to educate the public." Nice comment to make to a bunch of high school students.

    Guess the Chief is incapable of multitasking.

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I'm struck by how differently the Chief Justice of the United States and the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court view their respective jobs. Fred Lewis has made education about the judiciary's role one of the centerpieces of his tenure as Chief Justice, and kudos to him for this important gesture. Apparently John Roberts feels quite the opposite. I agree with David that Roberts's comment reflects poorly on him; here's hoping he was misquoted or that awful-sounding line was somehow taken out of context.

  3. But "when you smile for the know I love you better."

  4. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Bullets miss judicial candidate
    A candidate for judge was attacked last week in Little Haiti by gunmen who peppered her SUV.


    Miami-Dade judicial candidate Abbie Cuellar was driving along a side street in Little Haiti last week when two men emerged from a minivan-type vehicle and riddled her Infiniti SUV with bullets.

    She survived, but flying glass slashed her face.

    ''I wish I knew. I wish I knew it was a random act,'' Cuellar said this week. ``If it's something more sinister than that, I don't know what to do to protect myself.''

    The shooting is still perplexing Miami homicide detectives, who on Friday were to talk with Cuellar, 45, about details of the attack.

    The best theory: The gunmen were likely carjackers.

    Cuellar, a family-law and child-welfare attorney who lives in the Shorecrest neighborhood, is running against Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jeri Beth Cohen in November's election.

    On Feb. 26, the night of the attack, Cuellar had gone to a wine-and-cheese tasting in Doral. Exiting the Airport Expressway, she drove her black 2006 Infiniti sports utility vehicle, and headed home to Miami's Upper Eastside.

    Running empty on gas, she stopped at the Sunoco station, 1 NW 54 St., which she believed was better lit than the station across the street.

    Cuellar says she noticed nothing unusual while pumping gas. Just lots of cars.


    At about 10:25 p.m., down 54th street, she turned up Northeast Fourth Court, a two-lane side street used as a short-cut by many Upper Eastside residents.

    As Cuellar sped home -- she hadn't eaten at the event -- she noticed a large car next to her around 64th Street. It was odd because the lane was for oncoming traffic.

    The vehicle was light colored and large, though she couldn't tell if it was an SUV or a mini-van.

    ''What I really noticed was that the back window -- the whole back door -- was a tinted window. I remember that very distinctly. I had never seen that before,'' she recalled.

    The vehicle accelerated to pass her up, then slowed in front of her. Her Infiniti nearly hit the back of the vehicle. She braked.

    ``I immediately knew something was going down.''

    She said she saw two men get out and start shooting. ``I put the car in reverse and floored it. A bullet hit the windshield and it shattered. I crouched down and drove the car in reverse. Don't ask me how.''

    Her Infiniti came to a stop at an intersection. She flung open the door. Another car stopped, but the driver refused to help. Bleeding, Cuellar instead drove to Andiamo Pizza, 5600 Biscayne Blvd., where she called 911.

    Bullet holes marked the bumper, windshield and roof. Seven bullet casings were found, Cuellar said.


    Police speculate the gunmen followed her from the Sunoco.

    Detectives theorize they wanted to steal her car but were spooked when she reversed.

    Miami Cmdr. David Magnusson, who oversees Little Haiti, is baffled.

    ''It could very well be a robbery. But it's a string of events that we don't normally see with robberies,'' he said.

    ``I have not seen that, not in Little Haiti or the Upper Eastside -- a car just jamming on the brakes and two guys popping out. I don't know why these guys would be hell-bent on firing at her.''

    Anyone with information can call Miami's homicide unit at 305-579-6530 or Miami-Dade CrimeStoppers at 305-471-TIPS.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I recently attended a discussion led by Bryan Garner, editor in chief of Black's Law Dictionary, at Stetson University College of Law. He interviewed 8 of the 9 current Supreme Court Justices to get their opinions on legal writing and advocacy, and showed us a clip of his interview with Justice Thomas. In the interview, Justice Thomas states that the Court should write its opinions in a manner that allows the general public to understand them. This makes me think that Justice Thomas would probably disagree with this statement made by Chief Justice Roberts. You can see this about 1:50 into the link I am posting.

    You can also see the rest of the interviews using that link.

    Mr. Markus: Long time reader, first time poster...Great blog...As a law student interested in criminal defense, I've learned a lot reading your blog.

  6. Mr. Markus- in reply to that "front row sitting, always has the answer law student" ( you remember the type) let me say: Long time reader, long time poster, and I have learned absolutely nothing from your blog about what interests me as a lawyer: free food, free drink, loose women, and gambling. Please try to do better in the furture.

  7. Ms. De La Salas:

    Do not listen to Rumpole. He's a grump this morning for some reason. He's just angry that you aren't lavishing him with praise on his blog.

    In any event, that's a great link. Anyone interested in the Supreme Court should check it out.

    And Rumpole says he wasn't a gunner, but how do we know? Reveal yourself!!

    Keep posting and don't listen to grumpy.

  8. I shoulda known. Front row "know it alls" of a feather, flock together.

  9. Anonymous12:34 PM

    oh need for the hate...I happen to read and enjoy your blog as well. In fact, I've been reading your blog longer than this one.

    By the way, I am a MR. de las Salas.
