Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jailhouse snitch?

Apparently someone at the federal jail claims that a defendant in the Joe Cool case confessed. Smells fishy to me. Here and here are the articles.


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    it's a joke, and all prosecutors know it. Whenever there is a case with little evidence, a jailhouse snitch pops up. Ever notice that when the case is strong, there's no jailhouse snitch?

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Is there anything lower than a jailhouse snitch?


  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Marcus did you see this?

    In what was billed as the final stop on his book tour, Justice Thomas spoke at Chapman University Monday. Go Panthers! The Orange County Register reported on the talk, in which he made some provocative remarks about his post:

    “There’s not much that entices about the job,” Thomas said. “There’s no money in it, no privacy, no big houses, and from an ego standpoint, it does nothing for me.”

    Thomas, 59, said the position is satisfying because he feels he’s serving the public, and he’s honored by it, “but I wouldn’t say I like it.”

    “I like sports,” Thomas said. “I like to drive a motor home.”

    I think Justice Thomas should resign. Do you?

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    He left out one reason to stay on the bench. Spite.

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    No money in it? Last time a checked a Supreme Court Justice (even one who does not have to prepare for oral argument because he never asks a quesiton)gets paid about $195,000 a year.

    I will not say anything more for fear of being hauled before the Bar.

  6. This is all fine and dandy, but I want to here some thoughts on the "obstruction of justice" attorneys testifying before congress today.

    Is there any difference between what those guys and galls did and what Paul Bergin is accused of doing? Sure, killing witnesses sounds bad. But what about torturing people, and then destroying the evidence after a federal judge orders it to be preserved.

    Come on, I know some AUSA out there wants to distinguish the difference between Guantanamo bay and secret (unknown) prisons.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "Dr Adam Hansen, of Arizona's Mayo Clinic Hospital, is accused of taking the snap while conducting gallbladder surgery earlier in December.

    The chief of general surgery allegedly showed the photo to fellow surgeons.

    The patient is a strip club owner, Sean Dubowik, whose penis is tattooed with the words "Hot Rod"..."

  8. If he isn't happy with his job, then yes, he should resign.

  9. Anonymous3:36 PM


    I thought you were at sea! Welcome home.

    Fake Admiral

  10. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Judge Lenard has ordered an anonymous jury for the Liberty City 6 trial.

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Wow. Why the 180?

  12. Much like the British at New York, I will wait for the right tide to float my way.
