Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another high profile trial to start this week

This time it's USA v. Louis Robles. Here's Julie Kay's preview of the trial.

I'm sure both sides (defense -- Hector Flores; government -- Mike Davis and Luis Perez) were working hard this weekend, even though they had settled the case months ago. The problem is that the judge wouldn't accept the 10 year deal agreed on by the parties because he believed that the deal was too sweet for Robles, who turns 60 next year.

We've discussed this issue a number of times and we asked whether the government would simply dismiss the indictment and permit Robles to plead guilty to a 10 year count (or two five year counts). Well, it appears that the answer is no. So if Robles loses this trial, he will certainly appeal on this issue, and it looks like a good one.

So SDFLA readers, is this trial worth it? The government doesn't want it. The victims don't want it. The defense doesn't want it. The receiver doesn't want it. The trial will last about a month, costing the system six figures.

By the way, can you imagine if Robles walks?


  1. Stop using the Royal "we"
    ("We've discussed this issue a number of times...")
    That's my schtick.

  2. Rumpole, you own "we."

    Judge Gold owns Robles.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Yes. The trial is worth it. Judge Gold has a right to reject a plea agreement and Robles belongs in jail longer than 10 years for stealing from a bunch of dying people - less than 10 would be acceptable if it could be shown that he and his family did not profit 1 cent in the end.

    If he gets off, great, he shouldn't be in jail and the system has worked.
