Thursday, April 05, 2007

Fire rescue to the Tower Building...

... to pull out a District Judge from a stuck elevator.
No joke.

When is the new building going to open!?!


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Which Judge?

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Witch Judge?

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Aloha Federal Dudes,

    I was hoping to provide some substantive analysis today. An intricate discussion of double jeopardy, federalism, and my appearance on Jeopardy! years ago, but I have far more important work which, quite obviously, must be attended to.

    Spicoli must save that tasty babe from the Golden Jaws of Hell. I think I can use my board to rescue her.

    What's up Brad!
    Later Federal Dudes. I'm not there very often, but, I like it that Mr. Hand forced me to learn a bit of latin.
