Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another new gossip blog

There's a new legal gossip blog out there -- Above the law -- written by David Lat, the original anonymous blogger (apologies to Rumpole -- Miami's anonymous legal blogger).

Lat plans on doing all kinds of funny stuff. Here's a good example: "Lawyer of the Day" -- showing the court proceeding of a defense lawyer who shows up drunk to court. You can watch the video below:

Drunk Vegas Lawyer causes mistrial Part 2!

Lat also plans on following lawyer weddings, lawyer houses, lawyer hotties, and so on. Here's his latest on weddings, tracking announcements in the NY Times. There was nothing like this when my wedding announcement came out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    That is horrible. You should not spread this, it is wallowing in somebody else's misserable life.
