Sunday, May 14, 2006

FACDL-Miami Banquet

Last night was the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (Miami Chapter) Annual Banquet at the Biltmore. It was a great event -- over 350 guests and over 55 judges attended. We kept the event much shorter this year, allowing the band to actually play some music. Judge Federico Moreno and Richard Klugh were honored. Judge Stan Blake gave a very nice tribute to our fallen judges -- Henry Leyte-Vidal, Manny Crespo, and Linda Dakis. Judge Mary Barzee swore in the officers and directors. And the pressing question of the night was whether Rumpole was in the room... Congrats to Brian Tannebaum on a great year. I'm honored and very humbled to be taking over the reigns this year and am looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM


    I move that you, as acting president, hold next year's banquet in Bimini. We can proceed to the island in a massive floatilla waiving banners that read: "[open for suggestions]."

    The guest d.j. can be "joe cooley".
