Friday, March 31, 2006

Speaking of cooperators...

Marc has an interesting post below about the "Stop Snitching" campaign. Judge Huck sentenced a very high profile cooperating witness this week, Jack Abramoff.

We previously posted on Jack Abramoff's different hats. Here is the one he wore for Wednesday's sentencing hearing (it looks like the same one he wore at his guilty plea). Those familiar with the Southern District will recognize one of the friendlier court security officers standing in the background of the picture.

What I find much more interesting than all the hoopla about the hats is the 60 page memo (and 260 letters) that his lawyers filed in support of his request for a low-end of the guideline sentence, which TalkLeft praised as creative lawyering.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    In one of the footnotes to his attorney's sentencing memorandum it states that Mr. Abramoff "is broke." Really? How did he pay for those high priced lawyers to write 61 pages briefs for him? I know...close friends must have paid...but broke? If I was a federal judge reading that, I would look at the rest of the brief a bit more skeptically. Just one guy's opinion.
