Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hoooo boy. NYT says SDFLA judges asked Cannon to reassign Trump case

Who is spilling the tea to the NYT;

Shortly after Judge Aileen M. Cannon drew the assignment in June 2023 to oversee former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case, two more experienced colleagues on the federal bench in Florida urged her to pass it up and hand it off to another jurist, according to two people briefed on the conversations.

The judges who approached Judge Cannon — including the chief judge in the Southern District of Florida, Cecilia M. Altonaga — each asked her to consider whether it would be better if she were to decline the high-profile case, allowing it to go to another judge, the two people said.

But Judge Cannon, who was appointed by Mr. Trump, wanted to keep the case and refused the judges’ entreaties. Her assignment drew attention because she has scant trial experience and had previously shown unusual favor to Mr. Trump by intervening in a way that helped him in the criminal investigation that led to his indictment, only to be reversed in a sharply critical rebuke by a conservative appeals court panel.

The extraordinary and previously undisclosed effort by Judge Cannon’s colleagues to persuade her to step aside adds another dimension to the increasing criticism of how she has gone on to handle the case.

So who is the source? Who is the second judge? 


Anonymous said...

IDK who the source is but a lot of people have a motive, Cannon is not making the SDFL look good. A logical guess would be Altonaga herself, or someone at her direction.

Anonymous said...

“A logical guess”? How about just reading the blog post or article??

Anonymous said...

Dang - just wait till Trump gets the NSA involved after he gets reelected...all these anonymous sources and commenters...


All hail Trump!

Reminds me of the time I was at a party and I tried to get a guy to give up his keys:

[Guy 1]

Dude, you should not be driving...give me the keys and I will get a pledge to run you home...

[Guy 2]

What the FUUUUCCCCKKK are you talking about? I had like four beers and I am fine.

[Guy 1]

The fucking cops are everywhere got Jen talking to you...ready to keep it going...just let me have somebody get you two home safe.

Your going to end up embarrassing the house...

....and you have four beers this hour...

[Guy 2]

You're just trying to move in on...buuuuurrrp...what the fuck is wrong with know how hard I have been working on this?.......

I had to fucking pretend like I fucking like "closing time"...

That song fucking sucks...and

....oh yeah...I fucking love this ad...."WHHHHAAAATSS AAAAHHHHHHHUUUUUUUPPPPPP?!"

[Guy 1]


....Do whatever the fuck you want...[tries to rip keys from hand but ends up wrestling on the floor]...

[Guy 2]

Ha! Bitch...told ya I wasn't drunk...buuuuurrrrp!


Come on, give up the keys dude...

[Guys 1 and 2]

Shut the fuck up bitch!

[Guy 1]

Pledges don't have a g-ddammed thing to say to any of us...mind your own fucking business before I ban you from the House.


Anonymous said...

I am so over the Aileen Cannon hit pieces. Every one else is an expert on how to do a case that's never been done before. On what basis should she have recused: it's better for me personally/professionally if I don't do my job on this one?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Neither the blog post nor the article says who the source that gave the Times the info is.

Anonymous said...

Altonaga is the leaker??? LOLOL

Also, I am not a Cannon fan but much of this coverage is misogynistic.

Anonymous said...

Guy 1 = Unknown District Judge

Guy 2 = Judge Cannon

Pledge = Leibowitz

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn there was a story a few weeks back that a senior judge volunteered to take the case. Cant remember who the judge was, butI dont think its a big mystery.

Anonymous said...

CNN reported a few weeks ago that Judge Huck had volunteered to cover a jury trial for Judge Cannon in March of 2022. Obviously speculating, but not unreasonable to think he might be the other judge.

The big question is not the story itself, but who leaked to the NYT and why.

Anonymous said...

@11:42 in the arrest warrant "receivership" case, didn't DJT propose Paul Huck Jr. as one of his 3 choices for Receiver? hmmmm.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My money is on Cannon being the leaker. She named Altonaga thinking it would make them all look bad, that she’s being bullied. It’ll work on the far right that constantly victimizes itself, but that’s about it.

Anonymous said...

No shame from that bench...loose lips...

Anonymous said...

She's busy continuing everything, not trying anything!!

Anonymous said...