Friday, May 31, 2024

Is Sen. Rick Scott holding up the blue slip for Detra Shaw-Wilder?

 That's what it looks like, according to this DBR article.  Really weird.  The legal community is coming to her defense.  Here's the intro to the article:

Prominent names in the Florida legal community expressed their disappointment Wednesday with Sen. Rick Scott over his decline so far to return a “blue slip” on the nominee, Detra Shaw-Wilder, to serve as a district court judge in the Southern District of Florida.

“Detra Shaw-Wilder is well qualified and has widespread support from the community,” said Aaron Podhurst, a founder and partner of Podhurst Orseck in Miami. “I am surprised and disappointed that perhaps political issues have slowed down her process, but I am hopeful that they will be resolved soon and Detra will move forward to confirmation.”

Beatriz Azcuy, a co-managing partner with Sidley Austin in Miami, recalled over three decades ago when Azcuy was a moot court partner with Shaw-Wilder, who impressed Azcuy with her “dedication, perseverance, strength, humanity and intelligence.”

“Today, she is a sought-after, skilled commercial litigator and community leader with qualities required of the judiciary and in short supply in today’s world: integrity and impartiality,” said Azcuy, of the Am Law 100 firm. “As a lifelong Republican and Floridian, I cannot imagine a more qualified nominee to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.”

Scott has reportedly claimed that the White House failed to follow the usual consultation process and ignored his suggestion for alternative nominees.

In response, the Biden Administration said it had included Scott in discussions over the last two years, and the senator interviewed Shaw-Wilder, general counsel at Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton, in January 2023.

Scott did not respond to a request for comment.


Anonymous said...

Rick Scott is the worst. Who knows what his agenda is here. Hopefully, it's not brazen racism but with him I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Shaw-Wilder is a political nominee of the Democrats. The two Republican senators say they were not consulted. Scott says he is willing to withdraw objection for a trade in Middle District. Wow, imagine that, a horse trade in politics. And, of course, we have to throw in the race card, even though these two disgusting conservatives supported a Black magistrate for district judge in Orlando.
So, let's just get the job done without having to listen to a bunch of Dems striving for the high ground while they support a senile thief incumbent for president.
I have very confidence that Ms. Shaw Wilder will get the job even though we have to pass over super-qualified candidates like Judge Miguel de la O, who may have been sacrificed at the altar of Norman Braman's billions.

Anonymous said...

@1:29, "senile thief" - evidence? You'd think that lawyers (who are the crowd that presumably reads and comments here) would understand that need for such a thing.

Senator Chuck Grassley admitted that House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden hasn’t produced any facts pointing to wrongdoing on the president’s part. See

As for senility - maybe. He is 81 years old. I'd be willing to agree that no one over 70 should be President.

The problem is that the people yelling about Biden's age and possible senility seem to have no problem with Trump's age (77) or possible senility. See They're also likely to be people who hold Ronald Reagan in near god-like regard despite the fact that he likely had Alzheimer's while in office. See So, the cries regarding Biden's possible senility ring hollow.

Finally, and on the subject of evidence, a jury of 12 unanimously convicted Trump of 34 felony counts. So, unless Mr. 1:29, you are either refusing to vote at all or are voting for a 3rd party, drop it with the "senile thief" schtick.

Miguel M. de la O said...

I do not know what constitutes "consultation" in D.C. I do know that Ms. Shaw-Wilder, Judge Leibowitz, Judge Beccera, and myself were all interviewed by Sen. Scott and his general counsel. I also know we were all interviewed by Sen. Rubio's committee and Ms. Shaw-Wilder and Mr. Lebowitz were both recommended for appointment by that committee, and I was not. Finally, I also know Ms. Shaw-Wilder is eminently qualified to be a district judge and I hope she is confirmed soon.

Anonymous said...

It is no surprise that Judge de la O is so magnanimous. He is a superb judge and a wonderful person. I hope he soon gets the federal appointment he seeks. It will be our loss in state court.

Anonymous said...

Rick Scott has never done anything for Florida and should only consulted if a courthouse is hiring restroom attendants, because he probably knows what they are supposed to do.

Anonymous said...

He and Rubio have said they won’t support any judicial nominees in protest of Trump being convicted in a state criminal case. Also Rubio wants to be VP and Scott wants to be majority leader. So yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath. Pretty absurd of Rubio after Biden gave him a nominee he wanted, the nephew of his biggest patron.

Anonymous said...

Seems like democrats are equally to blame for not just dropping blue slip bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Putting to the side the politics of it all, 12:01 AM is correct. Both Rubio and Scott, among other senators, signed, on May 31, a now widely circulated document stating that neither will vote to confirm any of Biden's nominees (among other things). So this is no longer a mere blue slip issue. This is unfortunate for Detra Shaw-Wilder, who is most deserving of this position. But it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

Since when has either Senator been trustworthy?

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase that great Republican, Theodore Roosevelt regarding Marco Rubio: I could carve out of a banana a [senator] with more backbone than that.