Saturday, May 11, 2024

Breaking -- 6 Magistrate Judge candidates for two slots

 The judges will vote on this list at the next meeting:

Ellen DeAngelo

Christian Dunham

Yeney Hernandez

Marlene Fernandez-Karavetsos 

Enjolique Lett

Stephanie Turk


Rumpole said...

I cannot imagine a better Mag than Christian Dunham. Truly an amazing man and lawyer. Highly qualified. Well respected. I really hope he gets one of the slots.

Anonymous said...

Marlene Fernández Karavetsos and Enjoliqué Lett would be excellent choices - both are brilliant, hardworking, thoughtful, empathetic and kind.

Anonymous said...

Dunham for mag! There is no one more qualified, with more experience, or with a better temperament. He’d be great.

Anonymous said...

A state circuit judge vying for a magistrate appointment. Is this a thing?

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Turk would be an amazing choice. Smart, hardworking and a natural leader. She would be an excellent Mag!

the trialmaster said...

Judge Marlene fernandez-Karavetsos was an AUSA before becoming a Circuit Judge. She has experience in civil, criminal and now in family court. She possesses a great judicial temperament and would make a great federal magistrate. None of the others have any judicial experience as a judge.

Anonymous said...

“No judicial experience as a judge?” Well said.

Anonymous said...

You had me at AUSA.

Anonymous said...

Lett is guaranteed one of the slots, so the only question is who gets the other. As for trialmaster's comments, I really think there is a misconception about what a magistrate judge does. District judges mainly want someone who can handle their discovery matters competently and efficiently; prior judicial experience is vastly overstated as a qualification.

All that said, there are some good candidates here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for displaying a complete lack of understanding as to what Magistrate Judges actually do.

It would be laughable if it wasn’t so sadly ignorant.